Full proof Guide On Using Ethical Hacking Tools And Linux In Android

Linux In Android : Step By Step


An Android phone can become a hidden hacking device that can be utilized to run Awesome Ethical Hacking tools like Nmap,John, Aircrack-ng, Metaspolit and Nikto, S.E.T, thc-hydra — every tool ! without rooting the Device, You Can Even Install Custom Linux Distributions ! And Rooting The Device Gives You Better Control And More Ability !  

Fun Fact : Android Itself Is Based On A  Modified Version Of Linux

There Are Many Ways To Install Linux In Android But Here Are The Most Easiest Methods :

1.Using A Terminal Emulator :

Linux Terminal Emulators Emulate Linux environment framework for Android which  operates directly without the desideratum to root or set up. There Was Many Attempts In Creating Such But The Most Successful Was "Termux" and "NeoTerm" "Alpineterm". However Termux Is Recommended For Beginners.

Image By FX13

Installing Termux :

  • Installing Termux Is The Most Easiest Thing  Ever 
  • Just Go To Any App Store And Search And Download 
  • Make Sure To Enable All Additionall Permissions For It. 
Installing Alpineterm :

  • Go to the Alpineterm repository in github.com and you can Download It Form There  And Install It
2.UserLand :

  • Go to https://github.com/CypherpunkArmory/UserLAn 
  •   Scroll Down Find The "Release" Then Navigate To Any Version (Preferably The Latest One) 
  • Click On "Assets" And Download ,( Root Isn't Required) 
  • Open The App Select The Distribution, Enter Username, Password, and Filesystems
3.Debain Live :

Debian Live Is A desktop environment In A Single Android App,Which Uses Proot to open the Debian graphical shell and XSDL X server to make it appear in The Screen .
  1. To Install It Just Go To https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cuntubuntu Or Alternatively https://m.apkpure.com/debian-noroot/com.cuntubuntu 
  2. Download And Install ,( Root Isn't Required) 

4.LinuxDeploy :

  • Then Download A ssh client like "connectbot"

  • Note : You Will Need Root For "LinuxDeploy" 

After That You Should Run Necessary Commands

Thanks For Reading 
