Ethical πŸ…·πŸ…πŸ…²πŸ…Ίing With Websploit

 What Is Websploit?

Websploit is a MITM framework built with python.Websploit Can Be Used To Intercept network data frames, change traffic or halting all traffic,or Monitoring & gaining knowledge about traffic to and from a network, performing a De-authentication attack, etc. 

Websploit Has Some Useful Modules Such As "arp_spoof" "wifi_deauth" "wifi_fap" "http_sniffer" etc. 

What Attacks Can Websploit Perform?

1.Poisoning of ARP Cache : Transmitting (spoofed) Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) messages to a local area network , sending any traffic intended for that IP address to the changed one instead.

2.HTTP Traffic Sniff : Analysing the network and amassing information to potentially crash or corrupt the network.

3.Fake Access Point Start (AP) : A fake access point is mainly intended to attract hackers and other wireless intruders to gather data about them. 

The Other Attacks Are :

  • IP Range Scan for New Devices
  • Wireless Systems search
  • Force WIFI disconnection system 
  • De-authentication attack attack
  • Spamming 

Installing & Using Websploit :

To Install Websploit :

apt-get install git python 

Then :

git clone && cd websploit

Then :

python install

Websploit Commands Are Extremely Easy To Master :

use <module> : Uses The Module

execute : runs the command

set TARGET <target> : sets target

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Example Usage :  

Thanks - For - Reading 
